Just before a heart attack the pain starts at this place, then life is lost in these many minutes

Just before a heart attack the pain starts at this place, then life is lost in these many minutes

Heart Attack Warning Signs : When a part of the heart muscle does not get enough blood, there is a risk of heart attack. The longer it is treated, the more damage the heart muscle will suffer. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is considered to be the main cause of heart attack.

Health experts say that chest pain occurs just before a heart attack and if not paid attention to, it can even lead to death. However, chest pain is not always a heart attack. In such a situation, let us know what kind of chest pain can be a symptom of a heart attack…

How to recognize the pain of a heart attack

According to the doctor, chest pain can also be due to muscle pain. The reason behind this can be cervical pain, acidity, gallstones. The pain of heart attack comes suddenly and increases rapidly in 2-3 minutes. This pain goes to the right, left, middle of the chest, jaw or left hand. This is quite a severe pain. The pain of heart attack lasts for more than 10 minutes but if there is other pain then it can end in 2 to 5 minutes.

Do not ignore these pains

1. Heart attack causes constant pain in the chest, which increases significantly while walking.

2. If there is pain in the left side of the chest and it is reaching the shoulder or hands, then it could be a heart attack.

3. If the pain starts from the chest and reaches the jaws, then you should be alert.

4. Sometimes the chest pain reaches the neck and keeps increasing, this should not be ignored.

5. If there is tightness in the chest and you feel heavy, then this could be a sign of a heart attack.

What to do to keep your heart healthy

1. If you exercise, allow your body to move as much as it is accustomed to. Avoid excessive exercise.

2. Take proper care of your diet. Eat home-cooked food in a balanced manner.

3. If you have any heart disease, take medicines on time as prescribed by the doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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